Rental Rates

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Rental rates are for the entire property.

Description From To Weekly Minimum Stay
April 2024 01 Apr 24 30 Apr 24 £550 7 Nights
May 2024 01 May 24 31 May 24 £600 7 Nights
June 2024 01 Jun 24 30 Jun 24 £625 7 Nights
July/August 2024 01 Jul 24 31 Aug 24 £675 7 Nights
September 2024 01 Sep 24 30 Sep 24 £625 7 Nights
October 2024 01 Oct 24 31 Oct 24 £595 7 Nights

20% deposit ( non-refundable)payable on confirmation of booking. 

Balance payment payable eight weeks before departure.

Bank transfer preferred.